AFUNPR (Association of Former UN Personnel and Retirees) was established driven by collective concern of some retirees of UN Agencies active in Indonesia who had no clue whenever they had problems/issues related to their retirement.

In the year 2000, retirees received their respective monthly pension benefit by cheques directly coming from UNJSPF – New York where all issues related to retirement is managed centrally. Those cheques were sent by UN pouch to UNDP Jakarta office which very often got difficulty to distribute the cheques to retirees individually, some of whom were even not recognized to UNDP Jakarta.

Other problems include the non-receipt of the monthly benefit by the deserving retirees and sometimes delay in receipt without knowing why so happened, and to whom retirees should go for solution, as their respective UN Agencies they belonged were often too busy to help out and the worse was the fact they had no representative in Indonesia.